



  1. 7 seconds to success
  2. Conversation Basis
  3. Munching 7 Mingling

7 seconds to success


  • 自信

Rule of 12

  1. 1st 12 words shoud include "thank you"谢谢
  2. 1st 12 words shoud be those of confidence 要自信,要让人感觉像是潜力股
  3. 1st 12 inches from head down shuld be impeccably groomed 无可挑剔
  4. 1st 12 inches from floor up shuld be well-maintained 用心雕琢(不要化妆品,不要挂件,不要香水,涂上体香剂,鞋子擦亮,不要白袜子,男人应该尖头鞋子)

conveying confidence

  1. Smile
  2. Walk briskly,head held high
  3. Sing your theme song
  4. Believe in yourself
  5. Visualize yourself in the position
  6. Convey enthusiasm, interest, sense of energy
  7. Be positive
  8. Be able to laugh at yourself, Never Assume that because someone is better looking or higher level

First impression faux pas(失礼、失态)

  1. giggling(矫揉造作)
  2. Hand gestures
  3. Touching(very personal)

Conversation Basis

Every conversion is an opportunity for success

You never know when someone is in a position to help you


  1. Open Hand
  2. Firm grasp
  3. Once up, once down
  4. Convey warmth & confidence
  5. Make eye contact



  1. Go where the people are
  2. Best place - food table, bar
  3. If no one introduces you, introduce yourself
  4. Look for approachable people. People who are alone is a great place to start


  • Name tag on your right
  • 4 Rules

  1. Older people first
  2. Women before men
  3. Same age-some gender- no mateer
  4. VIP(with tittle) 1st
  • I'm Robin(drill) How are you?
    Thank your for..."
  • Stand if you are sitting
  • Repeat the other person's name often
  • Follow up the intro with a conversation starter "Bill and I went to Penn State together" 我和这次活的的主办人Bill是同一年进入宾州大学的
  • what you do, who you are, where you're headed 可以谈的话题

    1. background/skills
    2. Current/past experiences eg:internship/student club/leader
    3. Future objectives/goals


    • Didn't understand the name

    • I'm sorry, I didn't understand yours name.
    • I'm want to make sure that your name is XXX?
  • Forget name
    Step back & say "Have your two met?"
  • Only remember one name
    Step back & say "Have you met Bill?"
  • The Name Game

    • Never give a person a nickname
    • shake hands and repeat the name, then use name as often as possible
    • Give others the gift of your name

    Small Talk 寒暄

    • Take the risk of talking to someone new! Be the first to say hello~
    • Be sincere.Treat everyone like the most improtant person
    • Ask open question(answer was not "Yes/No")
    • Weather/Dinner
    • John去纽约之前带画了个大表,什么时候见什么人,是什么头衔,谈话主题

    Small Talk RULES

    • Do convey a genuine(真实的) like of people
    • Do not talk about sex, politics or religion
    • Do be aware of events of the day
    • Do ask questions about the company
    • Do get people to talk about themselves
    • 准备几个自己的精彩时刻30s

    Listening is the Key to a Good Conversation

    • Listen actively
    • Keep your distance, 不要打断


    • Be polite
    • Excuse me , I must say hello to sb
    • "I enjoyed meeting you"
    • Move on if the other person seems bored
    • Move on to make room for others
    • Never leave someone standing alone
    • [this is gift and ability]

    Turn offs忌讳

    1. No touching hair,nose,eyes or other people
    2. No hands in pockets or behind backs
    3. Keep Hands above board it says your are confident/attentive
    4. No touching others
    5. Don't say :"How is your wife" "How's your work"

    Combat mingling phobia

    1. Decide an arrival/departure time
    2. create an itinerary(路程)
    3. admit that you know no one
    4. Recongnize that everyone is as nervous as yourself
    5. Give yourself a break
    6. learn one new thing
    7. Think of this as "a recruiter" NOT "the recruiter OR "a job NOT" the "job"
    8. Don't be the last to leave
    9. Have fun~

    Munching 7 Mingling


    1. Play it safe
    2. Wine glasses are held by the stem
    3. Always drink beer from a glass
    4. Napkin - olate -glass by stem-wipe
    5. Ice cubes(冰块) are not an edible(可食用的) part of the beverage(饮料)


    1. Eat first for best protection
    2. Use a plate
    3. No double dipping
    4. Put sauces(沙拉酱) on the plate and dip into them
    5. No cheese, no grease, no bones
    6. No talking with food in your mouth
    7. Remove anything inedible with your thumb and farefinger
    8. Eat skowly, taking bites only large enough to chew comfortably and quietly

    General RULES

    1. Always say something nice about the food to the host
    2. Excuse yourself to blow your nose
    3. If you are rawe ,eat first mingle later
    4. Cough and sneeze to the side with mouth covered by napkin

    Robin's Top Tips[从视频的54min开始]

    • 社交能给你带来更多的面试机会
    • 翻翻校友录数据库
    • 在金融中心,利用地理优势
    • 暑假去看看朋友,找到说我想和你 吃个午餐,一起聊聊
    • 暑期实习的时候,不仅和小圈子(饭团)一起吃饭,每周还要有一次,在食堂,随便找个座位坐下来,然后自我介绍:“hi, I'm new here, I'm just kind of learning about the place, what is it that you do?你具体是做哪方面的?”
    • 人都在那里了,尽量用好公司的关系~
    • 用好社交网络,知道自己想要什么,努力,在环境中接触不同的人
    • 实习生问了一下,就和CEO一起吃饭咯
    • eg:一个实习生在健身房更衣室和CEO聊了一会儿,后来获得一个面试机会
    • 参加一场酒会就是一次面试,不要放松警惕