
我在环亚西文现代英语试听的感受 - 橙衣少年 - 跟着我勇敢地走下去


我在环亚西文现代英语试听的感受 - 橙衣少年 - 跟着我勇敢地走下去

       这节课的具体情况是这样的:随着课堂的开始,老师先提出了一个话题:计入你喜欢上一个人,但他(她)已经有女(男)朋友了,你该怎么做?这个话题与传统的观念有很大不同,每一个人都谈了自己的观点,当然,用的是英语。随后老师发了一张纸的口语练习资料,里面列出了absolutely\actually\awfully\dedinitely\generally\personally等常见的口语词汇,以及很多的相关例句,老师让我们有感情的、loudly read them and acted some dialogues between two students.Through it is quite different from the traditional chinese English class and even a bit waste of time,I like it.I think it provide a very warm atmosphere to speak English without shyness and some other strange feelings,we could say out what we want to say as others don't know me and some other reasons.Although I just had one class for free,I realised the way to practise spoken English.So I would not pay for more class,just practise at home will do.

我在环亚西文现代英语试听的感受 - 橙衣少年 - 跟着我勇敢地走下去

    At the end of this passage,I would like to SAY THANKS to Canilx Modern English,thank you for letting me to know a better way practising spoken English.Also,I will advertise for Canilx Modern English,if you want to improve your English ability in a different\exciting\foreign fashion please come to Canilx Modern English!我在环亚西文现代英语试听的感受 - 橙衣少年 - 跟着我勇敢地走下去

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